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Hello, I'm Nai'mah


Naimah Watson is an inspiring young lady who always takes the initiative to take charge.  Her artistic talents are naturally inherited from her Great-Grandmother , Grandmother, Mother and Great Aunts's. She's the caregiver ​among her 3 siblings and and Foster siblings.  Naimah likes to keep herself busy and not involved with peer pressure she deals with in school.  She's determined to build her own empire by staying focus, committed and dedicated to making a better life for her mom and family.


Naimah grew up watching the artistically talented women in her life create art in various forms; jewelry, hair styling, graphic designing, craft etc., which inspired her to start her own line of handmade jewelry.  In addition, she loves to keep her lips moist and shiny with her pretty smile. But having sensitive skin, she can't just put anything on her lips it which is why she did her research on how to create an organic product, her lip gloss, that wouldn't irritate her skin but still give her the beautify effect of enhancing her smile. 

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